The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Poorer — Inequality Explained

We are victims of the Matthew effect

Ahmad Hamzeh
3 min readJul 30, 2021


Inequality exists everywhere, sadly.

There’s a gap that’s exponentially expanding as we speak between social levels and other life factors.

“The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer”

Why is that?

According to the Matthew effect, the gap between the two summits will expand. Once you flow in one direction, it becomes harder to flow in the other.

When you’re rich, and your parents have good connections, your life becomes simpler. You worry less about things like food and clothes and more about your own personal and professional life. You are more likely to get a proper education, better tools, and you’ll be equipped with the right experience that will get you to the top.

The person on top of the mountain, unlike the one on the bottom, knows how to get there.

When you have people guiding you from the top, you’ll have better chances of making it than a person guiding you from the bottom.

That’s why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Although it’s not 100% accurate. The true revised version should be:



Ahmad Hamzeh

Civil Engineer | SEO Copywriter / Content Creator - I Write Strategic Copy That'll Grow Your Audience.