The Awakening of Your Inner Self

A movement towards freedom

3 min readDec 16, 2023


As life progresses, and as we do as well, many things start to appear as they are, not as we deem them to be. This is true not only to other objects or instances but also to ourselves.

We think we know ourselves, but we’re just as much strangers to ourselves as we are to anybody else.

Why don’t we act on internal command? Why does there always have to be a contradiction between what we want and what we do about it?

It’s funny how some people are so hung up on what they want without even knowing if they truly want it. What a huge disappointment it is to reach something you’ve been longing for so long, only to arrive at a point where it didn’t move you the way it was supposed to; only to find that happiness wasn’t apparently behind that wall.

We do this often for one simple reason: The goal in our head is not set by us but by the people around us. I’m not talking about parents trying to set up their kids for marriage type-thing; I’m talking about the subconscious need to live up to our society’s standards of happiness and success. The habits that are deemed fun (and necessary) for the majority.

We fear social sanctions



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