James Clear Gave Us Some of the Best Writing Advice — Pay Attention

A lot of advice goes unfollowed; don’t make the mistake of overlooking these.

Ahmad Hamzeh
4 min readSep 6, 2021
Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

I read James Clear’s weekly 3–2–1 Thursday email a few weeks back, and I can certainly say that it has forever changed my attitude towards writing. It helped me realize how much self-sabotaging a person can do to themselves without realizing it, and it taught me how to conquer them. I believe it can do the same for you, too.

James Clear is a committed writer. He is the proud author of “Atomic Habits” — one of the world’s most helpful self-development books; has over 450,000 subscribers to his emailing list, and his articles bring over 1,500,000 visitors per month. He’s an experienced writer that knows what takes to succeed. Here are his three pieces of advice that helped me reach greater heights:

#1 — “The bad days are more important than the good days.”

First, you need to set your goals. Then, you need to organize your priorities; write the habits and tasks you should execute daily. Finally, you need to execute them, daily.

However, you’re not going to wake up every day motivated to work hard. Some days are just frustrating, emotionally consuming, and overall…



Ahmad Hamzeh

Civil Engineer | SEO Copywriter / Content Creator - I Write Strategic Copy That'll Grow Your Audience.