I’m Never Going To Settle For a Small Publication Again

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed.

Ahmad Hamzeh
1 min readSep 7, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Small publications never gave me more than I could give myself.

I’m not a medium top writer, which means I can’t just throw an article anywhere and hope for engagement to come magnetized towards me. The only article that ever got me over 100 reads was published by The Writing Cooperative. Everything else gets me barely 20.

I know there must be something I’m doing wrong. I need to get better. But to be accepted by this huge writer's house gave me the confidence I needed to thrive for more.

The more I publish with small publications, the more I feel miserable and stagnant. If they have 5000–6000 followers, why am I only getting 20 views. Does Medium hate me? Am I neglected by the algorithm?

I don’t know. All I know is the bigger the publication, the bigger audience there is to consider my article as their next read. It won’t be easy, and it may take months to get into huge publications like The Startup, but I don’t care.

I’d rather self-publish and have a couple of reads than wait three days for approval that doesn’t even help me.



Ahmad Hamzeh

Civil Engineer | SEO Copywriter / Content Creator - I Write Strategic Copy That'll Grow Your Audience.