Here’s How to Discover (And Rebuild) Your True Self

Brought to you by “The Code of The Extraordinary Mind” — by Vishen Lakhiani

Ahmad Hamzeh
3 min readJul 25, 2022


Photo by @ramu_aladdin on Unsplash

Your consciousness is divided into two parts: The things you know that you know, and the things you don’t know that you know. And the ratio of the things you don’t know about yourself to the things you do know is astonishing.

We want to believe we’re fully aware of our belief system because we don’t have any other choice; an opposing claim would mean that we are controlled by something else. It just makes more sense to say what we do is driven by our will.

We say things like “Because I like it this way” or behave in a matter we don’t want without fully understanding why we’re actually saying or acting this way. And eventually, we see ourselves developing into someone we hate, not knowing how to escape. And here you see people developing many mental illnesses.

According to the Founder of MindValley, Mr. Vishen Lakhiani, you are not 100% aware of your beliefs. In his book “The Code of The Extraordinary Mind” he talks about how to recognize the corrupt models of reality embedded within our subconscious that drive our unwanted behavior.

Our models of reality lie below the surface. Often, we do not realize we have them until some…



Ahmad Hamzeh

Civil Engineer | SEO Copywriter / Content Creator - I Write Strategic Copy That'll Grow Your Audience.